Thank You to Our Contributors

Thanks to the donations from the following organizations, CAPI is able to continue to meet the basic needs, finding work and housing, and creating connections for the immigrants, refugees, and marginalized that make up the fabric of our communities. Every day, we’re able to change the realities of those in need with the help of these generous donors who care about individuals and feel pulled to make a difference.
$50,000+ Contributors
- City of Minneapolis
- Department of Employment and Economic Development
- Hennepin County
- Margaret A. Cargill Foundation
- McKnight Foundation
- Minneapolis Foundation
- MN Dept. of Health
- MN Dept. of Human Services
- MN Disaster Recovery Fund
- MNSure
- Northwest Area Foundation
- Otto Bremer Foundation
- Pohlad Foundation
- Target Foundation
- Twin Cities LISC
- United Way
- Wallace H. Coulter Foundation
- Wells Fargo
$10,000-$49,999 Contributors
- Allianz
- General Mills Foundation
- LISC (National)
- Minnesota Housing
- Newman Foundation
- TDW & co.
- UNFI Foundation
- Wilder – MAAA
$1,000-$9,999 Contributors
- Allina Foundation
- Ameriprise
- Burdick Family Foundation
- City of Brooklyn Center
- James and R Thorpe Foundation
- Medica
- MN Dept. of Revenue/VITA
- Old National Bank
- Open Your Heart
- Ramsey County
- Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation
- Stevens Square Foundation