
Asian American Organizations in MN Respond to MN GOP Chairwoman on “China Virus”
August 31, 2020 STATEMENT: Asian American Organizations in MN Respond to MN GOP Chairwoman on “China Virus” On Tuesday, August 25th, the Republican Party of Minnesota Chairwoman, Jennifer Carnahan, was asked by KARE 11 about the president’s use of the terms, "China Virus," "Wuhan Virus," or "Kung Flu." She [...]
News and Opportunities from CAPI
Virtual Nursing Assistant Graduation On Wednesday, July 29 CAPI held its first virtual graduation for our students that completed the Nursing Assistant program online. It's a huge accomplishment, and many of our students had never used computers before. As one student Leticia said, "Even though we [...]
Summer Challenge and More from CAPI USA
Will you join us? During the month of July, CAPI's food shelf is participating in the OYH Summer Challenge. This is an annual challenge organized by Hunger Solutions. Donations during this challenge are matched up to $4,000 and will help us purchase culturally-specific food. Read More CAPI [...]
CAPI Featured on MPR News
CAPI's CEO Ekta Prakash was interviewed on the MPR News program All Things Considered. Listen to the short interview here, then head to our donation page to help ensure that individuals and families have the resources and food they need to survive and recover. [...]
CAPI Capital Campaign
CAPI is pleased to announce a Capital Campaign for the Immigrant Opportunity Center! CAPI’s Immigrant Opportunity Center is a game-changer. Immigrants are overwhelmingly hard-working, tax-paying citizens that are a key ingredient of Minnesota’s workforce and have played an increasingly important role in our state’s economic success. Immigrants do however experience [...]