This March 1 – April 6, 2025, join CAPI in our efforts to fight food insecurity in the state of Minnesota.

Join us on March 27th at Arbeiter Brewing

From 6 pm – 9 pm on March 27th, Arbeiter Brewing will be donating a portion of the evening’s sales to support CAPI. Come hang out and help support a good cause!

CAPI’s food shelf is one of the state’s only culturally-specific food shelf providers.

Why is the March Campaign Important?

Over the last year, we’ve seen the effects of the ongoing pandemic move through our nation and our communities. The price of groceries has skyrocketed and access to food has gotten even harder. Last year, CAPI served over 12,000 individuals and distributed over 300,000 pounds of food. We were able to meet this need with the help of individuals, companies/organizations, and foundations who invested in CAPI and the work that we do. With your participation, we can focus on a more just and equitable food system that meets the needs of all Minnesotans.

Help Us Fight Food Insecurity!

Access to nourishing food is a basic human right. You can help us provide culturally-specific food to your neighbors by hosting a food drive or by donating monetarily to our food shelf. To host a food drive, find info here or contact Monique Hernandez to get organized.

You can donate monetarily at the link below and then tell others why you support CAPI and encourage them to support us during our campaign. We believe the best is yet to come and are hopeful for the year ahead!