CAPI COVID-19 Community Coordinators
COVID Community Coordinators (CCCs) are community-based organizations that connect Minnesota’s diverse communities to COVID testing, vaccinations, and other resources. CAPI has 3 CCCs on staff to help that speak English, Hmong, Lao, and Thai. Want more info on CCCs? Visit:
COVID Community Coordinators can answer questions about:
- Where to get tested for COVID-19
- Vaccination distribution, registration
- Food support
- Health care and mental health resources
- Housing and rental assistance
- COVID-19 case investigation and contact tracing
- Employment resources
Need to speak with someone? Call our hotline:

Our Hmong speaking CCCs interviewed members of the Hmong Medical Association to discuss stigmas, cold/flu season, staying safe, and more. Watch the interview here!
Additional COVID-19 Resources
We have put together a list of helpful resources should you find yourself in need during this time. We will update it as more resources become available.
Vaccine Connector
Sign up on the MN Vaccine Connector to be notified when you are eligible for the vaccine!
Info on the Coronavirus
MN Dept of Health (English, Hmong, Somali, Spanish)
Coronavirus Material and Resources in Multiple Languages
Metro Transit Info
Metro Transit’s response to COVID-19
Coronavirus: An Almanac Special from TPT
Information available in multiple languages
International Institute of MN
COVID-19 resources in multiple languages
Unemployment Benefits/Insurance
Apply online for unemployment insurance. Do not call their office as they will direct you to the website.
Unemployment Benefits – Spanish
Unemployment Benefits – Somali
Small Business Owners Loans
If your small business has been hit hard during the COVID-19 pandemic, this program can provide low-interest loans of up to $2 million to small businesses and private non-profits. These loans can go toward working capital to meet needs including payroll, accounts payable, and fixed debt payments that can’t be paid due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The current interest rate is 3.75% for small businesses. The non-profit rate is 2.75%. These loans have long-term repayment options, up to a maximum of 30 years.
Career Force
Job search resources and services you can access from home.
Food, Utilities, and Housing
Food Pantries in MN
Food pantries listed by city.
Second Harvest Heartland
Emergency food boxes and other food resources.
SNAP State-by-State COVID-19 Waivers
MN Housing and COVID-19
A centralized location for all Minnesota Housing updates and information related to COVID-19.
Free Internet Access
Free temporary services in response to COVID-19.
Technology Resources – EveryoneOn
EveryoneOn is a national nonprofit working to eliminate the digital divide by making high-speed, low-cost Internet service and computers, and free digital literacy courses accessible to all unconnected Americans. EveryoneOn aims to leverage the democratizing power of the Internet to provide opportunity to all Americans – regardless of age, race, geography, income, or education level. Through partnerships with local Internet service providers, EveryoneOn is able to offer free or $9.95 home Internet service in 48 states and the District of Columbia. They work with device refurbishers, so individuals and their families can purchase discounted devices, including $150 tablets and $199 laptops.
Xcel Energy
Plans in place to ensure reliable electric and natural gas service.
United Way 211
United Way 2-1-1 provides free and confidential health and human services information for people in Minnesota. Their lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to connect you with the resources and information you need. Whether you are in crisis or need a little support, they are there to help.
Health Insurance and Mental Health Resources
MNsure Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment for MNsure is happening right now (Nov. 1 – Dec. 22)! Open enrollment is an annual period when you can enroll in a private health insurance plan or renew or make changes to your current plan. Need help enrolling? Contact our MNsure Navigator.
Walk-in Counseling Center
Due to the COVID-19 virus, walk-in clinics in Minneapolis, Family Tree and Neighborhood House in St. Paul have moved to a call-in ONLY counseling application through Zoom. Click on the link for hours and more info.
Mental Health Resource Page
This link offers more information with tips on how to ease anxiety and stress.
American Addiction Center
Resources for addiction treatment and recovery.
Families and Education
Virtual Field Trips
Many organizations have created virtual field trips and educational resources that allow families to explore zoos, museums, and other exciting places while still staying safe at home.
Helping Kids Understand the Coronavirus
A comic especially for kids to help them understand the virus.
How to Talk to Your Kids About the Coronavirus
Helpful information from PBS on how to talk to your kids about the Coronavirus.
Other Financial Resources/Updates
Community Resources Toolkit on Financial Assistance during COVID-19
A resource toolkit put together by the U.S. House of Representatives, summarizing key assistance programs available to help consumers with their financial needs. It includes information and the latest policy/funding updates on food assistance, energy assistance, unemployment, homeowners and mortgage forbearance, the upcoming direct payment checks, and emergency assistance.
Protecting Your Finances During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Communities continue to announce the temporary closure of businesses, schools and other public facilities or events. While these actions are necessary steps to help reduce exposures, it may bring financial uncertainty for many people who could experience a loss of income due to illness or workplace closures. If you are facing financial difficulties as a result of the pandemic, this site offers information on how to protect and manage your finances.
LISC Financial Stability Resources
LISC has put together a number of resources to support COVID-19 related hardships and needs.
National Consumer Law Center
A list of resources to help families navigate their financial lives during these turbulent times.
Immigration/Legal Resources
Law Help MN
Legal information related to COVID-19